Saturday, October 3, 2015

Petitions/Prayer of the Faithful for October 4, 2015

Ellen McHugh's Petitions for Sunday, October 4, 2015:

 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Celebrant:  As we celebrate our coming together for the Eucharist, let us, dear sisters and brothers,

approach the one God to voice all our needs.

 That state and community leaders may be inspired by the Holy Spirit to uphold programs

that acknowledge the value of family and offer support to families in difficulty.  We pray to

the Lord.  

 For all married couples, for an understanding that love means acting for the good of the

other and receiving the other as a gift of infinite value.  We pray to the Lord.

 That parents would be given the wisdom to treat each child as a unique gift from God and

foster justice within the family.  We pray to the Lord.

 For those experiencing brokenness in family life through divorce, separation, or death, that

they find strength in Jesus who overcame the broken-ness of our world through his

suffering.  We pray to the Lord.

 That St. Paul’s words today inspire us, knowing that in our own suffering we are not alone,

that Jesus who made himself “lower than the angels,” suffering death on the cross, is our

refuge and our salvation.  We pray to the Lord.

 And for those for whom this Mass is offered [name them].  We pray to the Lord

 Let us pause now and silently offer to the Father our own particular intentions [allow for    

silence. . .].  We pray to the Lord.

Celebrant:  Father, we believe that you will hear and respond to our sincere prayers, asked in the

name of your Son, and in the power of your Spirit, one God, forever and ever.  Amen.

[Ellen wrote these before the Roseburg, Oregon massacre and I'm sure she would include a petition related to that tragedy.]

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