Monday, October 19, 2015

Moving Day--A Poem for My Friends

Kathy and her husband are moving. Here's a poem for them.

Laying On of Hands (Preparing for Moving Day)

As you prepare for Moving Day
You are forced to lay your hands

            On everything you own . . .

And even if you fight hard
To keep your mind silent,
All you can think about is
The history of this item or that
And all the things and people
Who have passed in and out of your life:

            So many gifts, yet
            So many gone.

And even though you’ve tried to live in the here and now,
You wonder what this move will mean,
What changes it augurs,
For good or for ill.

All the ghosts, all the hands,
All the stories,

How will all this end?

[Bob Coughlin / October 13, 2015]

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