Friday, June 11, 2021

Magnificat for My Birthday--Poem


'Magnificat' on My 73rd Birthday

Let my soul reflect the greatness of God,

The Goodness of Mary, Jesus, the saints and prophets--

Some of whom I've known very well, Deo Gratias!

Thank you for my "own precious life"

And the blessed lives of my family and friends.

May I live up to their kindness

May I live up to their goodness!

I think of my Mom and Dad,

Precious family and friends gone,

But with their lights still burning in my heart--

Let the light and love persist!

Deo Gratias, Go Raibh Maith Agaibh,

Herzlichen Dank, ¡Gracias!

Thank You!

          Bob Coughlin / June 11, 2021

[I think of the "Magnificat" as the greatest song of Thanksgiving. Here's my little version for my 73rd birthday. The phrase "own precious life" is from the poetry of Mary Oliver. I can't tell you how many people, living and dead, came to mind as I wrote this little poem. The ending is in Latin, Irish, German, Spanish . . . and English.]

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