Thursday, August 11, 2016

Petitions/Prayer of the Faithful for August 14, 2016

Ellen McHugh wrote these petitions for St. Mary's church in Painesville, Ohio:

Prayer of the Faithful for August 14th, 2016
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Celebrant: As people of faith, we pray now for ourselves and for all those throughout the world who are in need of God’s generous mercy.

For the universal Church celebrating the Feast of the Assumption: We pray that Our Lady’s intercession may protect us—and all people—from division and discord, and direct our hearts into the ways of peace and justice.  We pray to the Lord. 

For those who govern our nations and make laws: for the wisdom and courage to honor the dignity of all human life from conception until death. We pray to the Lord.

That during this Jubilee Year of Mercy, we recognize mercy as the bridge that connects God and man, opening our hearts to the hope of being loved forever despite our sinfulness. We pray to the Lord.

For our parish ministries; for those who selflessly volunteer their time and for the people they serve.  Help each one of us, Lord, to discern your call to stewardship—may the presence of Jesus in our lives be for us, as for Mary, an impetus to help others.  We pray to the Lord.

When our faith falters, help us to be encouraged by St. Paul’s words today, “to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus,” to set aside the sin and brokenness that divides us and bring peace to our hearts, our homes, and our world. We pray to the Lord.

And for those for whom this Mass is offered [name them]. We pray to the Lord.

Let us pause now and silently offer to the Father our own particular intentions [allow for silence. . .].  We pray to the Lord.

Celebrant:  Merciful God, through the power of your Spirit, help us to serve you faithfully, to be for others what Jesus is for us: pardon and peace, new life and blessing. We ask this in the name of your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.  Amen. 

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