Monday, May 9, 2016

Petitions for May 8, 2016. Feast of the Acension

So sorry I didn't get Ellen McHugh's petitions on the blog in a timely fashion! I love Ellen's prayer that our religious leaders become "agents of healing and advocates of mercy." And I love her petitions about the Blessed Mother and our own mothers, living and dead. Here they are:

Prayer of the Faithful for May 8th, 2016
Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord 

Celebrant:  On this day when Christ our Lord ascended into heaven, we make our prayers for the Church and the world, trusting that the Father will answer them out of love for his Son.

 For our Holy Father Pope Francis, and for our bishops, priests and religious, that the Gospel message they share may influence the hearts and minds of all people to become agents of healing and advocates of mercy.  We pray to the Lord

For those who govern nations and make laws: may “the eyes of [their] hearts be enlightened” with wisdom and courage to honor the dignity of all human life from conception until death. We pray to the Lord.

 For the created world: For those who work to protect our Earth and its resources on which all human life depends.  We pray to the Lord.

 For our mothers, living and passed, who have given us life and love; we pray that the love they have shown for us may be reflected in the way that we show our love for others. We pray to the Lord.

In this month of May, may the example of our Blessed Mother inspire us to say “yes” to God’s call in our lives and may our devotion to her draw us closer to her son.  We pray to the Lord.

 For our beloved dead, especially for [name them]. May Our Lord, who has gone before us into heaven, prepare a place for us all in his eternal kingdom. We pray to the Lord.    

Let us pause now and silently offer to the Father our own particular intentions [allow for silence. . .].  We pray to the Lord.

Celebrant:    Father, just as your Son ascended to you, may our voices rise up before your throne, and may our prayers be heard. We ask this through your Son Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen. 

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