Monday, August 25, 2014

Passing of Richard Attenborough--Scene from the Movie Gandhi: "I know a way out of hell"

Richard Attenborough was the producer and director of the great movie Gandhi and won two Academy Awards for that movie in 1983. There is an unforgettable scene in that movie where a Hindu man tries to force Gandhi to eat some bread and break his fast--he doesn't want Gandhi's death to be on his hands. He tells Gandhi that he is going to hell, because he murdered a little Muslim boy--a revenge killing for the murder of his own son. Gandhi tells the man, "I know a way out of hell." And then Gandhi asks him to adopt a Muslim orphan boy, and "raise him as your own." Gandhi says, "Make sure he is a Muslim, and raise him as one." It is a powerful, moving scene in a great film:

Richard Attenborough was a fine human being and a great artist.

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