Thursday, January 27, 2022

A Little Poem in Irish and in English: Deep in My Heart

 Deep in My Heart

Tá tú in áras mó chroí, a Stór,

Forever and forever and for always--

You abide in my heart, O Treasure,

Go brách is go deo is i gcónaí.

BC / January 28, 2022

Thursday, January 6, 2022

A Poem In Irish, with English Translation. And with Humorous Endings from a Friend

 If I Forgot

Má rinne mé dearmad 

A rá leat 

Go bhfuil grá agam duit

Inniú, bhuel. . .

If I forgot

To tell you 

That I love you

Today, well . . .

BC / December 31, 2021

Some suggestions from Kathleen for different ways this poem could end:

I just forgot.

Get over it.

You forgot to tell me, also.

That’s an omen of impending doom.

I’m a schmuck.

My love for you is beyond words.

Your beauty silences me.

My head was elsewhere.

It’s because I don’t.

I’m tired of saying it with no response from you.

I don’t want to be repetitive.

I hate public signs of affection.

I really don’t like you at all.

When I wrote this little poem, I knew it didn't have an ending (or had an ambiguous ending), but I thought it still might work. The person you showed it to would probably fill in the appropriate ending, I thought. Anyway, I don think this exactly worked based on some feedback I got. When I showed it to my friend Kathleen, who knows "cúpla focal" (a couple of words or more) of Irish, she supplied me with a list of funny ways to end this poem, which I have posted above.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

A Bilingual (English-Irish) poem for the Epiphany

 A bilingual, Irish-English, poem for the Epiphany.

Nollaig Bheag–Eipeafáine! 

On the 12th night of Nollaig,

Little Christmas, Nollaig Bheag, 

Women's Christmas, Nollaig na mBan,

The Manifestation to the World--






Showing the reality:

Leanbh, Máthair, Athair, Tréadaithe

A Baby, a Mother, a Father, Shepherds,

This most humble birthing place.

Our Druid neighbors bringing gifts--


Bob Coughlin / January 6, 2022