Friday, June 3, 2016

Petitions/Prayer of the Faithful for June 5, 2016

Ellen McHugh wrote these petitions for this coming Sunday:

Prayer of the Faithful for June 5th, 2016
10th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Celebrant: As people of faith, we are called to care for those in need.  Mindful of that call, we raise our voices in prayer to our merciful and loving God.

For Francis our pope, for our bishops, priests and deacons; for all those who live the Gospel message with courage, constancy and love—strengthen them with the gifts of your Spirit.  We pray to the Lord.  

For world leaders and for a renewed and sustaining fellowship between Christians, Jews, and Muslims. May our recognition of the dignity of all mankind lead us to mutual understanding and peace.  We pray to the Lord.

For those who recognize injustice and work to counter its effects.  And for all those who work in the healing professions—that their caring may bear witness to the transforming love of Jesus.  We pray to the Lord.

For those students who have recently graduated; may their futures be bright with hope.  May the Holy Spirit sustain and inspire them to lead lives grounded in faith, courage, wisdom and compassion. We pray to the Lord.

For the safety of those who will travel during the summer months. May this summer also be a time that restores our souls and renews our commitment to honor and care for Your creation.  We pray to the Lord.

For the most vulnerable among us, for those who feel abandoned or hopeless; for the sick of our parish and for their caregivers.  May the message of today’s gospel inspire us all to respond with compassion to the needs of those suffering—to be present as Jesus is present.  We pray to the Lord.

And for those for whom this Mass is offered [name them]. We pray to the Lord.

Let us pause now and silently offer to the Father our own particular intentions [allow for silence. . .].  We pray to the Lord.

Celebrant: God of hope, continue to inspire us with your living word that calls us out of darkness into your wonderful light.  We ask in the name of your Son, and in the power of your Spirit, one God, forever and ever.  Amen. 

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