Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Prayer of the Faithful/Petitions for April 10, 2016

Ellen McHugh has written these petitions for next Sunday. Here is one that I particularly like: "For those for whom life is a struggle; for those who suffer with pain or disability, discouragement or fear, shame or rejection. May they know the comfort and assurance of Your love through our prayer and works of charity.  We pray to the Lord." We are all in those terrible positions at times in our lives!

Prayer of the Faithful for April 10, 2016
Third Sunday of Easter 

Celebrant:    In the flesh of the risen Christ, the invisible God walks with us. Let us pray to God for our needs and the needs of all peoples.
·      For Francis our pope, for our bishops, priests and deacons; for all those who shepherd the Church in your name with courage, constancy and love—strengthen them with the gifts of your Spirit.  We pray to the Lord.   
·      For the leaders of our nation who frame our laws and shape our common life; for those who work to keep the peace and foster mutual understanding and respect.  We pray to the Lord. 
·      For the created world: for those who rebuild where things have been destroyed; for those who protect life, for those who fight hunger, poverty and disease, bringing change for the better and renewal of hope. We pray to the Lord. 
·      For those preparing for Confirmation and First Communion; for their parents, godparents and catechists; for all of us at St. Mary who cast our nets in faith and hope trusting in the risen Jesus who prospers our work and prepares a table for us.  We pray to the Lord.  
·      For those for whom life is a struggle; for those who suffer with pain or disability, discouragement or fear, shame or rejection. May they know the comfort and assurance of Your love through our prayer and works of charity.  We pray to the Lord.

·      And for those for whom this Mass is offered [name them]. We pray to the Lord.

·      Let us pause now and silently offer to the Father our own particular intentions [allow for silence. . .].  We pray to the Lord.

Celebrant:  Glorious God, we celebrate the fullness of life shown to us by your Son, Jesus, in the Resurrection. Let your Spirit empower our labor as we feed your lambs and tend your sheep, that all people may know the comfort and presence of the Risen One, to whom we give glory and blessing with the Father and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever.  Amen.

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