Friday, January 8, 2016

Petitions/Prayer of the Faithful for January 10, 2016

Ellen McHugh has submitted these petitions for Sunday, January 10, 2016. St. Mary's Church in Painesville, Ohio.

Prayer of the Faithful for January 10, 2016
The Baptism of the Lord

Celebrant:  As we celebrate our coming together for the Eucharist, let us, dear sisters and brothers, approach the one God to voice all our needs.
·      For our Holy Father Pope Francis and for all who lead God’s people that the Holy Spirit inspire them in their ministries to proclaim Jesus with the wisdom, strength and courage of John the Baptist.  We pray to the Lord.

·      In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, may we be inspired by the words of St. Peter, that “God shows no partiality.” Help us, in our daily lives, to show mercy by giving hope and comfort to those who feel abandoned, brokenhearted, or crushed in spirit.  We pray to the Lord.   

·      For the unselfish work of our catechists; may the grace of the Holy Spirit guide and uphold them to share your gospel with joy and confidence.  We pray to the Lord.

·      We give thanks for the gift of water that sustains all life. We pray for those who lack this basic necessity. May we always safeguard and conserve all of the Earth’s precious resources.    We pray to the Lord.

·      Through baptism you claimed us as your own; we thank you that not even death can separate us from your love.  We pray for all who mourn the loss of loved ones, that they may feel your steadfast love and care for them.  We pray to the Lord.   

·      And for those for whom this Mass is offered [name them]. We pray to the Lord.

·      Let us pause now and silently offer to the Father our own particular intentions [allow for silence. . .].  We pray to the Lord.

Celebrant:  Father, we believe that you will hear and respond to our sincere prayers, asked in the name of your Son, and in the power of your Spirit, one God, forever and ever.  Amen. 

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