Monday, January 12, 2015

Petitions/Prayer of the Faithful for January 18, 2015

Here are the petitions I've written for our church for this coming Sunday, January 18, 2015. I have developed an approach to this task: I look over the readings assigned for the Sunday in question and try to find powerful lines and themes that I can use in one or two of the petitions. I also try to consider the concerns of the Catholic bishops for the week or the month. This month the bishops are focusing on the issues of poverty and immigration, which are crucial issues indeed in our parish, St. Mary's of Painesville, Ohio. Then I try to consider the needs of the season and particular issues within our parish. Our parish community is in the midst of bitter cold and heavy snow, so I offer prayers for the homeless (members of our parish have opened an overnight emergency warming center in the parish gym). And our parish is dedicated to serving the hungry, a mission that I am involved with in the Wednesday and Thursday night Karpos Ministry meals. Oh yes, in light of the terrible violence in France and in many other parts of the world, I decided to offer a prayer for peace for the members of the three great mono-theistic religions, Jews, Christians, and Muslims.With all that in mind, here are the petitions I have developed:

Prayer of the Faithful for Sunday January 18, 2015. Second Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Celebrant: As we celebrate the Eucharist, the living legacy of Jesus Christ, let us, dear sisters and brothers, approach the one God to voice all our needs.
·  Let us remember the words of St. Paul, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God . . . ? For you have been purchased at a price.” Help us to treat ourselves and others with these words in mind. We pray to the Lord.

·  Help us recognize the Truth, the Christ, and, like the first disciples, help us leave all else behind and follow Him. We pray to the Lord.

·  Let us remember the homeless, the poor, the hungry, and all affected by the winter’s cold. We pray to the Lord.

·  Help us work for a just immigration reform because we ourselves or our ancestors were once strangers in a strange land. We pray to the Lord.

·  That the members of the great mono-theistic religions, Jews, Christians, and Muslims, may learn to live in peace. We pray to the Lord.

·  and for those for whom this mass is offered [name them]. We pray to the Lord.

Let us pause now and silently offer to the Father our own particular intentions [...allow for silence...]. We pray to the Lord.

Celebrant: Father, we have hope that you will be moved to hear and respond to our sincere prayers, for they are asked in the name of your generous Son, and in the power of your Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

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