Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Grampa, Grossvater, Seanathair--Soon and Very Soon

Today or tomorrow I will be a grandfather for the first time. It is something I look forward to with the greatest excitement. I feel more anxiety than when we had our own three children! Maybe it's the difference between being a spectator and being in the game. I've been trying to walk the delicate line of when to help my daughter and son-in-law and when to keep my distance. This is their drama, their life, and I will find my role in the magic. I hope this baby, not yet born, comes to know how much he or she was, is, loved--even before birth!

Meanwhile, as we await the birth, we pray for Julia, Ed, and the new baby:

Keep them, Lord, like the apple of your eye.
Shelter them under the shadow of your wings!

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