Thursday, January 21, 2016

Petitions/Prayer of the Faithful for January 24, 2016

Here are the petitions Ellen McHugh has written for next Sunday, January 24, 2016. St. Mary's Church in Painesville, Ohio.

Prayer of the Faithful for January 24, 2016
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Celebrant: The Lord Jesus came to proclaim liberty to the captives and salvation to all.  This gives us confidence to entrust to him all our needs.

·      We pray for those who govern nations and make laws: for the wisdom and courage to honor the dignity of all human life from conception until death. We pray to the Lord.

·      That our loving God, who always hears the cries of the refugee and the immigrant, may enable men and women of good will to hear those cries and be moved to conversion and transformation. We pray to the Lord.

·      Teach us in our daily lives to show mercy as we walk together as one body in Christ; help us to welcome not only the strangers in our midst, but the gifts they bring as well.  We pray to the Lord.

·      For those who directly minister to the most vulnerable among us; for the sick and the dying, for those who struggle with addiction, for those who feel isolated or forgotten.  We pray to the Lord. 

·      Bless all whose lives are closely linked with ours—let the words of our mouths and the thoughts of our heart always speak your truth with compassion.  We pray to the Lord.

·      And for those for whom this Mass is offered [name them]. We pray to the Lord.

·      Let us pause now and silently offer to the Father our own particular intentions [allow for silence. . .].  We pray to the Lord.

Celebrant: Gracious God, we welcome the Gospel of Your Son.  As you answer our prayers, may the words of the Gospel resound in our hearts and shape our lives.  We ask this through Christ our Lord.  Amen   

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