Friday, December 18, 2015

Petitions/Prayer of the Faithful for Christmas 2015

Ellen McHugh composed these beautiful petitions for Christmas masses at St. Mary's Church, in Painesville, Ohio.

Prayer of the Faithful for December 25, 2015
Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord (Christmas)

Lord Jesus, your birth ushers in the promise of peace and redemption; let the leaders of the nations hear this message that their work may reflect your will in promoting justice and peace on Earth. We pray to the Lord.
This Christmas and every day, we pray for an end to all forms of violence in our country; we pray for peace, comfort and healing to those directly affected by violence. We pray to the Lord.
For all refugees and all who are far from home, that they may find safe haven, hospitality, comfort and joy this Christmas, and every day. We pray to the Lord.
For the grace to grow deeper in our respect and care of our Earth; help us to recognize the sacredness of all your Creation as a sign of your wondrous love. We pray to the Lord.
For the most vulnerable among us, for the sick and the dying, for the hungry and the homeless. May the message of Christmas, that God is with us, inspire us to witness His unfailing love in those we serve. We pray to the Lord.
Lord Jesus, you came to us as a vulnerable infant; let our prayer today be or our children, for all children, born and unborn, that they may be loved as Mary and Joseph so loved you. We pray to the Lord.
And for those for whom this Mass is offered [name them]. We pray to the Lord.
Let us pause now and silently offer to the Father our own particular intentions [allow for silence. . .]. We pray to the Lord.
Celebrant: Father, we believe that you will hear and respond to our sincere prayers, asked in the name of your Son, and in the power of your Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

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