Sunday, April 26, 2009

Spectacular Spring!

The spring in Northeast Ohio is spectacular! In the forests, the wildflowers are already in spectacular bloom. Yesterday I saw thousands of trout lily in bloom and even many large white trillium. St Patrick would have loved the trillium as a metaphor for the the Holy Trinity. Three leaves to the plant and three petals to the bloom. Also, there are spicebush and serviceberry in bloom in the woods, especially on the edges. In Appalachia, the serviceberry are called "sarvis," and in other places you here names like "shadblow" and Juneberry. A wonderful sign of spring. Soon we'll see the dogwood and redbud.

The cultivated flowers and trees are also in full spectacular bloom: Bradford pear, star magnolia, saucer magnolia (is there a more spectacular flowering tree?), weeping cherry. Daffodils at full bloom.

After the hard winter: this spring. Our troubles are many; we can't do much about them. Yet we are given this gift of springtime. Alleluia! Alleluia!

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